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My Notes On The Atmel 8-bit AVR ATmega168 Microcontroller

Interrupts And Timers How to Control 30 LEDS With Only 6 Pins
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Timers And Interrupts On The ATMEGA168 Microcontroller

There are three timers available to you on the ATmega168. There is one 16-bit timer, called Counter 1 and two 8-bit timers called Counter 0 and Counter 2. The 16-bit timer can count up from 0 to 65,535 (Which in Binary is 11111111 11111111). The 8-bit timers can only count up from 0 to 255 (Which in Binary is 11111111).

How To Setup The 8-bit Timers How To Setup The 16-bit Timers
Now For the Software End Of Things Timer Counting Speed Table
8-bit Timer Example - Use Software To Control A LED 16-bit Timer Example - Use Software To Control A LED
8-bit Timer Example - Use Hardware To Control A LED 16-bit Timer Example 2 - Use Software To Control A LED
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How to Setup the 8-bit Timers – Counter 0 and Counter 2

There are seven registers to each 8-bit timer that you will need to look at. The table below shows both 8-bit Counters and there related registers with descriptions of what each register stands for. Each register handles different aspects of the timer. Below we will go through what they are called and what each register is used for. As you will notice, Counter 0 and Counter 2 registers look very similar. The difference being whether it contains a 0 or a 2. This allows you to easly identify which register belongs to which Counter.

8-bit Timer Registers

Counter 0DescriptionCounter 2
TCCR0ATimer/Counter Control Register ATCCR2A
TCCR0BTimer/Counter Control Register BTCCR2B
TIMSK0Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask RegisterTIMSK2
TIFR0Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag RegisterTIFR2
TCNT0Timer/Counter Register (The Timer)TCNT2
OCR0AOutput Compare Register AOCR2A
OCR0BOutput Compare Register BOCR2B

8-bit Timer Register Tables For Counter 0 & Counter 2

Initial Value00000000
Bit 76543210
Stores Compare Output settings and 2 of the 3 Waveform Generation Mode settings.

Initial Value00000000
Stores A and B Force Output Compare bits, 1 of the 3 Waveform Generation Mode settings, and the Clock Speed Selection settings.

Initial Value00000000
Stores the Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable A and B bits and Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable bit

Initial Value00000000
Stores the Output Compare Match Flags A and B and Timer Overflow Interrupt flag

Looking at registers TCCR0A and TCCR0B, we will start by setting bits, WGM02, WGM01 and WGM00 for Counter 0 and WGM22, WGM21 and WGM20 for Counter 2. These bits are used for setting what is called the Waveform Generation Mode (WGM). The table below shows you each mode that you can set your timer for and which bits you need to set to get the required mode. (Normal is set by default) (PWM Type explaned here http://appusajeev.wordpress.com/2010/09/30/pwm-in-avr/)

Waveform Generation Mode (WGM):

ModeWGM02WGM01WGM00Description ( Counter 0 )TOP
ModeWGM22WGM21WGM20Description ( Counter 2 )TOP
0000Normal 0XFF
1001Phase Correct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)0XFF
2010Clear Timer on Compare (CTC) OCRA
3011Fast Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)0XFF
4100Reserved -
5101Phase Correct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)OCRA
6110Reserved -
7111Fast Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)OCRA

Now that you have picked the WGM mode you want (Normal, CTC, Phase Correct PWM, or Fast PWM), you will need to set the Compare Output Mode using one of the three sets of tables below. By default, it is set to normal port operation.

Compare Output Mode, Using non-PWM Mode (Normal / CTC)

COM0A1COM0A0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2A1COM2A0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0A / OC2A disconnected.
01Toggle OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match
10Clear OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match
11Set OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match
COM0B1COM0B0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2B1COM2B0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0B / OC2B disconnected.
01Toggle OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match
10Clear OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match
11Set OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match

Compare Output Mode, Using Fast PWM Pulse Width Modulation Mode

COM0A1COM0A0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2A1COM2A0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0A / OC2A disconnected.
01WGM02 / WGM22 = 0: Normal Port Operation, OC0A / OC2A Disconnected.
WGM02 / WGM22 = 1: Toggle OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match.
10Clear OC0A / OC2A on Compare MatchSet OC0A / OC2A at BOTTOM (non-inverting mode)
11Set OC0A / OC2A on Compare MatchClear OC0A / OC2A at BOTTOM (inverting mode)
COM0B1COM0B0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2B1COM2B0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0B / OC2B disconnected.
10Clear OC0B / OC2B on Compare MatchSet OC0B / OC2B at BOTTOM (non-inverting mode)
11Set OC0B / OC2B on Compare MatchClear OC0B / OC2B at BOTTOM (inverting mode)

Compare Output Mode, Using Phase Correct PWM Mode

COM0A1COM0A0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2A1COM2A0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0A / OC2A disconnected.
01WGM22 = 0: Normal Port Operation, OC0A / OC2A Disconnected.
WGM22 = 1: Toggle OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match.
10Clear OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match when up-counting.
Set OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match when down-counting
11Set OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match when up-counting.
Clear OC0A / OC2A on Compare Match when down-counting.
COM0B1COM0B0Description ( Counter 0 )
COM2B1COM2B0Description ( Counter 2 )
00Normal port operation, OC0B / OC2B disconnected.
10Clear OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match when up-counting.
Set OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match when down-counting
11Set OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match when up-counting.
Clear OC0B / OC2B on Compare Match when down-counting.

Note: When not using normal mode, you will need to set the Data Direction Register (DDR) bit corresponding to the Counters output pin you want to use.

Counter 0 in register TCCR0ACounter 2 in register TCCR2A
OC0A is PD6 (pin 6 on Port D)OC0B is PD5 (pin 5 on Port D)OC2A is PB3 (pin 3 on Port B)OC2B is PD3 (pin 3 on Port D)

Selecting the Speed at Which The Timer Runs At

By default the ATmega168 runs at 8MHz with the system clock. This means that the timer can be updated, up to 8,000,000 times per second. By setting bits CS02, CS01 and CS00 (that are in register TCCR0B for Counter 0), or setting bits CS22, CS21 and CS20 (that are in register TCCR2B for Counter 2), using the table below you can set the clock from off, which is the default setting, to the full 8mHz or slow down this rate with a prescaler.

Clock Speed Selection

CS02CS01CS00Description ( Counter 0 )
CS22CS21CS20Description ( Counter 2 )
000No clock source (Timer/Counter stopped)
001Clock (No prescaling)
010Clock/8 (From prescaler)
011Clock/64 (From prescaler)
100Clock/256 (From prescaler)
101Clock/1024 (From prescaler)
110External clock source on T0 pin. Clock on falling edge.
111External clock source on T0 pin. Clock on rising edge.

Optional Bit Settings

FOC0A / FOC0B Force Output Compare A and B (that are in register TCCR0B – Counter 0)
FOC2A / FOC2B Force Output Compare A and B (that are in register TCCR2B – Counter 2)

The FOC (FOC0A, FOC0B, FOC2A, FOC2B) bits are only active when the Waveform Generation Mode (WGM) is set to a non-PWM setting. However, when operating in PWM mode this bit must be set to zero when TCCR0B / TCCR2B is written to ensure compatibility with future devices. When the FOC bit is set to one, an immediate Compare Match is forced on the Waveform Generation unit. The FOC output is changed according to the settings of the Output Compare Match bits. The FOC bit is implemented as a strobe. Therefore the value present in the Output Compare Match bits determines the effect of the forced compare. A FOC strobe will not generate any interrupt, nor will it clear the timer in Clear Timer on Compare (CTC) mode using Output Compare Register as TOP. The FOC bit is always read as zero.

Timer/Counter Interrupts (Register TIMSK0 / TIMSK2)

OCIE0A / OCIE2A Timer/Counter Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable A
When the OCIE0A / OCIE2A bit is set to one the Timer/Counter Compare Match Interrupt A is enabled. Once enabled, an interrupt will execute when a Compare Match in Timer/Counter occurs. (When the OCF0A / OCF2A bit is set in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register – TIFR0 / TIFR2)

OCIE0B / OCIE2B Timer/Counter Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable B
When the OCIE0B / OCIE2B bit is set to one, the Timer/Counter Compare Match Interrupt B is enabled. Once enabled, an interrupt will execute when a Compare Match in Timer/Counter occurs. (When the OCF0B / OCF2B bit is set in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register – TIFR0 / TIFR2)

TOIE0 / TOIE2 Timer/Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable
When the TOIE0 / TOIE2 bit is set to one, the Timer/Counter Overflow interrupt is enabled. Once enabled, an interrupt will execute when an overflow in Timer/Counter occurs. (When the TOV0 / TOV2 bit is set in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register – TIFR0 / TIFR2)

Interrupt Flag Register (Register TIFR0 / TIFR2)

OCF0A / OCF2A Timer/Counter Output Compare Match Flag A
The OCF0A / OCF2A bit is set when a Compare Match occurs between the Timer/Counter and the data in OCR0A / OCR2A (Output Compare Register A). OCF0A / OCF2A is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt. OCF0A / OCF2A can also be cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.

OCF0B / OCF2B Timer/Counter Output Compare Match Flag B
The OCF0B / OCF2B bit is set when a Compare Match occurs between the Timer/Counter and the data in OCR0B / OCR2B (Output Compare Register B). OCF0B / OCF2B is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt. OCF0B / OCF2B can also be cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.

TOV0 / TOV2 Timer/Counter Overflow Flag
The TOV0 / TOV2 bit is set when an overflow occurs in the Timer/Counter. TOV0 / TOV2 is cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt. TOV0 / TOV2 can also be cleared by writing a logic one to the flag.

Output Compare Registers

Counter 0 has two Output Compare Registers, A (OCR0A) and B (OCR0B). Counter 2 has two Output Compare Registers, A (OCR2A) and B (OCR2B). In each of these registers you set the valve you would like the Counter to generate an interrupt at.
